1. The school hours are from 09.20 a.m. to 03.45 p.m. daily.

2. Students should report at the school at the latest by 09.20 a.m. Those who reach the school after this will be marked as Late Arrivals.

3. A student who comes persistently late to the school will lose his/her attendance. 

4. Students should behave respectfully towards the members of the staff.

5. Students should bring diary daily to the school and get all the entries up to date. A student who does not bring the diary regularly to the school may be suspended from the class.

6. Scribbled or disfigured diary is not acceptable. In case a diary is lost or damaged out of use, the same may be replaced with a new one immediately.

7. The campus language for communication is English. Persistent negligence of this rule will entail disciplinary action.

8. Students must wear school uniform on each day and on any event specified by the school.

9. Students must avoid wearing gold/precious metal ornaments.

10. Chocolates, chewing gum, tobacco products, or other harmful products must not be brought to school either for consumption or for distribution.

11. Students should not be found possessing periodicals, magazines, books or any undesirable printed materials other than school & library books.

12. They should not be carrying money or valuable articles, gold/precious metal ornaments, mobile phones, video/audio cassettes or games, CDs, USB devices or electronic items for personal entertainment.

13. Violation of the above three clauses can lead to disciplinary action and expulsion from the school.

14. Students are not allowed to drive motorbikes/vehicles into the campus.

15. Students should not be found outside their classrooms during teaching hours without the written permission from the teacher in-charge of the class in progress.

16. Students will not be allowed to leave the campus during lunch break and hence should carry lunch with them.

17. No student must leave the campus without the permission of the H.M./V.P/Principal.

18. All are expected to attend the school on the reopening day, after the vacation.

19. Students must attend classes the whole day to make themselves eligible to get the attendance for the day. Arriving late to the class or leaving the class in between sessions will lose them the whole day's attendance, whatever the reasons be.

20. A student who has been absent from the school without prior sanction will not be admitted to the class unless the parent/guardian sends a proper explanation for absence in the space provided in the diary in advance.

21. A student who has been continuously absent for three consecutive days is obliged to submit a medical certificate.

22. If a student is absent due to illness or for unavoidable reason for more than a week, the school authorities must be informed of it immediately in writing. In case of illness, a medical certificate to the effect must be produced on joining.

23. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in words or act, insubordination or serious misconduct are sufficient reasons for dismissal.

24. The dress, conduct and behaviour of the students in the school premises as well as at home and outside should be such as will enhance the reputation of the school and parents/guardians are to guide them to set an example in this regard.

25. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school will not be responsible for money, books, clothes and any other valuable items lost by the student, but authorities will make an effort to trace the lost article, if the loss is reported promptly.

26. Any damage done to school property or the property of other students will have to be made good.

27. Cleanliness of person and clothes is expected of every student. Those who come to the school with untidy/creased dress, untrimmed nails, unkempt hair etc. are liable to be fined.

28. Students should be careful not to litter the classes or the school compound. Waste should be disposed of in the dustbins meant for the same.

29. In the absence of the teacher, the class is expected to remain disciplined and silent under the leadership of the class monitor.

30. Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthdays in the school by wearing any dress other than the school uniform. They should not distribute sweets/gifts etc. on any occasion.

31. No child suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend the school.

32. All correspondence addressed to the students are subject to inspection if felt necessary by the authorities.

33. Newly admitted students must be introduced personally by their parents/guardian, who will be responsible to the Principal for the candidate's conduct, payment of fees and other contributions, if any.

34. Students will not be sent along with anybody other than the parents or the authorized guardian during school hours, unless an authorization letter signed by the parent/guardian is presented by the person.

35. The school reserves the right to expel any student when it is felt necessary to do so in the interest of the institution. Any student found guilty of breaking school rules and regulations shall be given a verbal warning in the first instance. A written warning will follow this up in case of repetition. If there is any further breaking of the rules, then the school may take any action it deems fit, including expulsion.


1. The Parent/Guardian should see that their ward respects the rules and regulations of the school and abide by them.

2. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school by enforcing regularity and discipline, helping their wards to prepare their lessons and study well.

3. Parents are requested to cooperate with the school authorities by sending their wards neatly dressed to the school and by encouraging them to actively participate in the activities of the school.

4. Parents are requested to ensure that their wards reach the school and are picked up from the school on time.

5. Parents are requested to note the homework given daily and sign any report sent by the teachers in the space provided in the Diary.

6. Parents should ensure that their wards do not absent themselves from any test/exam and that they are present on the reopening and closing day of the school.

7. Parents should ensure that the leave letters of their wards are sent to the class teacher on time.

8. Parents should respond to any message communicated by the teachers or the H.M./V.P/Principal.

9. Change of address or phone number, if any, must be intimated to the office in writing.

10. Parents should scrutinize and sign the Periodic and Terminal Assessment Reports.

11. Parents must sign and send back the Answer Sheet File after every examination.

12. Parents are requested to meet the Principal and teachers with prior appointment which ensures that both the parties do not lose their precious time.

13. Parents are strictly prohibited from entering a class during the working hours to engage the teachers in conversation. They must obtain permission from the School Office before meeting any child/teacher.

14. Parents should avoid planning outing, visits to relatives etc. during working days.

15. All payments should be made to the office and receipts should be obtained and retained by the parents.

16. Parents are requested to provide their wards with fresh and nutritious food items.